04 September 2009

Trader Joe's Bananas Make Me Sad

I eat a banana every day.

My former apartment was within walking distance of a Shaw's (Star Market? Shaw's?) and thus within walking distance of beautiful Dole bananas. I know that bananas are not local and therefore heathen, but if I ever decided to live off of only locally grown and produced foods for a year I would have to make an exception for bananas. Barbara Kingsolver made some exceptions (coffee and olive oil were on her list, I believe) and if she can, I would too. For bananas. Bananas!

My new apartment is just steps from Trader Joe's (and a few more steps from Whole Foods) and while this makes me generally happy, the organically grown bananas found there do not. They are consistently and perpetually bruised! There are some fruits that I can handle eating bruised, but the banana is not one of them. A bruised banana reaches a whole new level of mush that is completely unpalatable. Are the organics more delicate than non-organic? Or does Trader Joe's toss those puppies around like they're bales of hay?

Some interesting books that come to mind, that I recommend, and that I think I need to re-read passages of in light of this post:

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver
Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World by Dan Koeppel

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